Welcome to Muse of Fire, Act 1, the first installment of Connecticut group Farmertan’s latest album. This first entry is charged-up and bursting at its seams with gritty tunes, dirty, so easy to enjoy. “Automation” contrasts crisp-clean electric guitar riffs ascending against a sonic canvas of energizing distortion. “Mud Season” showcases vocals that have more than a tinge of spice, a type of been-there-done-that attitude that fits with the fortitude of the music. The drums on the track erupt, lead, and accompany the song’s guitar solo to its summit. “Sleepwalker” keeps the intensity going and leans a bit indie with its reverb-heavy chorus lines and rich bass subtleties. This is a modern rock ‘n’ roll record at its purest, introduced by a group of gents always prepared for the long haul. Stream “Mud Season” below and stay tuned for the next act from these CT artists. – Rene Cobar