10 years ago, The Dude Hates Cancer started in Philly as a Big Lebowski-themed fundraiser campaign, bowling tournament, and party that was designed to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Since then, The Dude has extended to New York, Cleveland, and California, managing to raise over half a million dollars for LLS. Dudes will abide when the 10th annual bowling tournament rolls into South Bowl today. However, as soon as the winning team is crowned and people have their fill of the free tater tot bar, people will head over to Boot & Saddle for Jackie Treehorn’s After Party that features music from two local mainstays. Ever since he teamed up with CSLSX to release Ritualize, an album that many have dubbed one of the best of 2016 thus far, Lushlife has had a huge year that will hopefully find his name heavily lauded on the national/international level at its conclusion, and it’s still not over for him yet with another new mind-altering instrumental EP, No Dead Language (Western Vinyl), headed our way this October 7th. Lushlife will also be joined this evening by the always energetic jazz-funk rock collective Swift Technique. Boot & Saddle, 1131 S Broad St., 8:30pm, $10 21+ – Bill McThrill