Mixing equal parts of melancholic down tempo and collective psychedelic acid-pop, Doomsquad is like a dark wave basement rave! Just think the Matrix Reloaded dance scene and wooden wind chime of the Woodland elves. Doomsquad creates an exploratory and psychedelic record “Kalaboogie.” At the albums most passive, percussion leads you through a winding forest path that keeps you wondering what you’ll hear next in the thicket beyond. Then you stumble upon a great bonfire that burns effervescent hues of emerald and amethyst as a great tribe of post-punk cheer and pulsating rhythm. If you’re into Grimes, Bishop Morroco, thumb pianos or meditation, then don’t lose out on getting lost in, “Kalaboogie”. See them Friday 11/21 @ Drake Underground.       -Claire Tollman, ‘Brad has a great pair of pants.’