A Deli Premiere: “New York City” by Lindsay Foote

Heartfelt and elegant is the new single by Boston’s Lindsay Foote: "New York City" is an ode to a fragile dream broken by reality, its shards buried deep in the bright guitar riffs and passionate vocals. It was not so long ago that Lindsay grappled with the tough decision that inspired the track that she recalls "’New York City’ was inspired by a decision I faced in my own life. A few years ago, I was deciding whether or not to move from Toronto to New York City with my boyfriend at the time. We were going through tough times in our relationship, and part of me hoped that a fresh start in a new city would fix it. Deep down, though, I knew that it wouldn’t. This song is about facing that decision and finally being honest with myself about what I wanted." The confession is a liberating one as "New York City" boasts Lindsay’s Americana style of music with a graceful abandonment of reservations; each instrument builds on the next with class: a clean and refined bassline accompanies a snappy snare beat that races alongside a reverberating electric guitar and Lindsay’s intrepid vocals toward an honest end. Americana/indie artists like Brandi Carlile and Katie Toupin exude sincerity in each lyric and captivate wholly, Foote shows she has that and then some. Lindsay will be playing at the Aeronaut Brewery in Somerville on November 13th; we are proud to premiere "New York City" below for New England and beyond. – Rene Cobar