A Deli NYC premiere: Ghost King’s ‘Melting Sky / Inside Out’ single

Brooklyn’s Ghost King tickled our aural canal the right way this past spring with their debut album ‘Bones,’ which was immediately crowned with our NYC Record of the Month title, and we are thrilled to premiere their two track single entitled ‘Melting Sky / Inside Out." Their sound is still as distorted and effected as it gets, in a way that’s definitely nineties, but more reminiscent of the early Flaming Lips and Mercury Rev’s fuzzy psychedelic lunacy than Pavement or Dinosaur Jr.’s pop slacking. Opening track ‘Melting Sky’ travels at high speed, hosting a slow vocal melody, and progressively building towards two psychedelic instrumental bridges. ‘Inside Out’ displays a poppier structure and catchier melody, but also a more dissonant arrangement, evolving, through a very early-Pink-Floydian transition, into a distorted bass driven, pummeling finale. They are both songs that will be fun to experience live when Ghost King will perform at Shea Stadium on 11.28 – do not miss!