Defying The Pixies: NoPop Releases Debut EP “See Pretty” tomorrow (05.13)

The Pixies are back together – and it’s not the same. The indie guitar rock of the 90s is back in fashion too, but bands picking up influences from the mind blowing Bostonian quartet’s early records are nowhere to be heard… until you hit ‘play’ on Brooklyn’s NoPop‘s latest single ‘O, TV’ (streaming). Skillfully recreating – and taking to extreme levels – the famous "Loud/Quiet/Loud" production philosophy, the track is ridden with light dissonance, disjointed, crunchy riffs, and thick bass, and all is injected with the at-once anesthetized and horror-show-like vocals of Oscar Rodriguez and Rachel Housle. The adoption of odd tempos dear to Mr. Black Francis, and simple but tasteful background vocals reminiscent of Ms Kim Deal seal the deal as far as influences. With this tune, NoPop pretty much gave us what fans of The Pixies have been hoping to get since the ‘Doolittle’ years: music that’s at once unpretentious, unpredictable, wildly explosive and absolutely memorable.

We are sure the guys will feel belittled by this comment, but they shouldn’t: they are a young band and they have time to develop this sound in a more personal direction – what they accomplished with this song is not easy, and shows talent and promise. We are looking forward to the band’s debut EP "See Pretty," to be released tomorrow 05.13.

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best Punk/Guitar Rock songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!