Childish Japes, Maitri, Michael Wingate play The Revolution Vol. 45 on 12.19

Another month means another iteration of National Sawdust’s The Revolution. Closing out the year (as well as the decade), this Thursday’s Vol. 45 continues the series’ longstanding effort to spotlight local musicians across the genre spectrum and will feature performances by the artists Childish Japes, Maitri, and Michael Wingate.

While The Revolution’s strengths have always laid in the diversity of sound brought out to Brooklyn each month, there’s a consistent groove that permeates the sounds of this week’s three performers. For example, Brooklyn nu-funk duo Maitri’s electro-heavy, polyrhythmic jams, are matched in vibe by the soulful indie rock of Childish Japes, both inhabiting similar spaces albeit producing their tunes via synthetic keys or an electric guitar (respectively).

Likewise, Michael Wingate will contribute to the evening’s atmosphere with his own brand of rhythm and blues. Cop your tickets here and get your dancing shoes ready for Thursday.