Celestial Shore headlines The Deli’s B.E.A.F ‘Everything Stage’ at Silent Barn on 06.15

Featured on the cover of this mag’s summer 2013 issue, Celestial Shore is a band that – at this stage of their career – chooses to clip its own wings for the sake of doing what they want to do, which is experimenting. But in doing so, they produce the kind of music we want NYC bands to make: adventurous, even quirky at times, but without compromising quality on the songwriting side of things. This being said, Celestial Shore’s songwriting is so good that sometimes we are tempted to think they should tame the craziness and let us enjoy those gorgeous melodies without interference… We noticed the trio back in 2011, when they released debut EP "California Eden," where stunning opener ‘Pals’ already displayed the band’s schizophrenic dual identity: angelic pop melodies, often flawlessly sung in three-way harmonies, get interrupted – and also a little bit raped, if you wish – by nerdy explosions of the most radical math rock. They found a perfect ally in Deerhoof: Greg Saunier mixed their album, and took them on tour around the US earlier this year. Now, that’s a match.

EVENTS: See Celestial Shore Live at Silent Barn on Sunday 06.15 with a gazillion of other NYC based bands.