CD of The Month: Skybox

It’s been three years since we last heard new material from Skybox, and the success of Arco Iris and their need to tour and recover is good reason for the wait. However, there is also that fear of a sophomore release not meeting or surpassing the expectation of its predecessor. Yet, just as their live performances have become near legendary, often evolving into spectacles that in the past have included costumes, confetti, dancing girls, snack cakes and the occasional chicken suit, Morning After Cuts will only work to build the legend and respect for this quartet. Tim Ellis and Christian Fields, Mike Holtz and Dan Ingenthron have clearly matured, experienced, and learned over the last three years and have poured every ounce of knowledge and passion into this album. Ellis’ signature falsetto and provocative nature is in full force on each of these danceable tracks. He’s currently channeling a mixture of Bowie and Kevin Barnes (Of Montreal) and Daniel Smith. Recorded with acclaimed producer Sean O’Keefe at Smart Studios in Madison, WI and Chicago’s Black Sheep Music, it’s clear that this album will be an even bigger launching pad, when it is released on January 10th, than its predecessor. To expect a big 2010, with even wilder performances, from the boys of Skybox is not unreasonable. The first single from Morning After Cuts is called “In A Dream” (mp3). Skybox will be a part of Schubas Tomorrow Never Knows Fest on Jan. 17th.