Caveman releases sophomore album in April + tours and plays SXSW

Blogosphere sweethearts Caveman have seen quite the buzz since the 2011 release of debut Coco Beware – the band was featured on the cover of our Summer 2011 NYC issue. After that, the indie psych popsters toured with The War on Drugs, won The Deli’s 2011 “Best of Emerging Artists” poll, and in 2012, Fat Possum re-released the celebrated album. 2013 means big things as well; Caveman is preparing to release self-titled album on 4/2. The quintet will kick off a headlining tour including dates at SXSW and Webster Hall later this month. Don’t miss the gorgeous, expansive harmonies and synth-induced heights of first single “In the City.” – Corinne Bagish

We added this song to The Deli’s playlist of Best NYC songs by emerging NYC artists – check it out!