Brand New Electronic Pop from NYC – VÉRITÉ

VÉRITÉ is a new electropop project based in NYC – although for some obscure reason this piece of information is not revealed in artist’s website and social media pages – lucky we have friends who know! Very little info has leaked about this act – is it actually a band or a solo effort? – but the simple but tasteful video of debut single "Heartbeat" (streaming) gives us a beautiful face and an intriguing song, split between a moody, atmospheric verse and a radio ready pop explosion in the chorus – and that’s more than enough for now. This seems like a studio born effort, although Rockwood Music Hall back in December hosted what seems to be the only VÉRITÉ live show to date. An announcement of a new release should be around the corner, since the profile picture of the band’s Facebook page was changed a few days ago to an image that looks like the cover of a record entitled "Wild Regrets."