Bloom’s demo is a noise-friendly ride, plays Saint Vitus 1.22

Punk quartet BLOOM bask in noise and the experimental on their demo release, creating a release that’s granular and rough around the edges, even for the genre in which they operate. It’s what makes BLOOM DEMO 2019 such a compelling listen, a collection of tracks that operates within a hardcore discourse while simultaneously pushing the envelope — from their Merzbowesque invocation on “Intro” to the gain-heavy “Horizontal,” there’s an equal attention paid to intense punk performance and sonic manipulation alike. The end result is a visceral, experimental LP, which even if “just a demo,” showcases a band that’s never risk adverse, one that’s willing and ready to dive headfirst into black sludge and white noise alike. Give it a listen below, and catch BLOOM at Saint Vitus on January 22nd. —Connor Beckett McInerney