Bleach Blonde Dudes’ Prismo Beach Tape

How is your summertime muscle pump-up coming along? Remember, there is no such thing as working out too much; one must simply channel the sun, become the pump, and feel the burn. At least that’s the motto for the hunks of Bleach Blonde Dudes, who will release their debut EP, Prismo Beach Tape, this Wednesday at Holocene.

While I can really only picture some odd elfish creatures ever actually working out to Bleach Blonde Dudes Prismo Beach Tape, the tunes really are dynamite. With a spooky take on experimental rock ‘n roll, the Dudes explore variations of electronic, surfy and psychedelic pop, that can at times feel completely extra terrestrial. Opening track “Zebra” elicits imagery of fictional creatures concocting a witches’ brew to feed an idolized zebra god. “Blue Spiders at the Hot Springs” continues in this haunting dream pop vein for two minutes and 45 seconds before exploding into a guitar heavy rock epic. Aptly titled “Spirit Party” offers another dose of ethereal synthesizer, smooth grooving guitar licks and bridge comprised of what appears to be voices from beyond the grave.

Lending a spot for Bleach Blonde Dudes as they get pumped-up at the release party for Prismo Beach Tape this Wednesday at Holocene, are instrumental psych shredders Mascaras, and electronic chill-wavers Fog Father. The show begins at 9. 

Travis Leipzig