Band to Watch: Vollmer

We’ve heard that there are a lot of great country and folk bands swarming this town, but there is nothing like the stark, garage country band Vollmer. Created as a homage to the slain second wife of William S. Burroughs, Joan Vollmer, this band opens every live performance with a simple vigil, and the intention of bringing awareness to the imbalance and injustice famous artist’s female partners endure, and Joan’s story in particular.

Their laid back California drenched Haight st. personas can’t hide their small town drawls and deeply embedded country ties. We like them because they’re a guilty pleasure and completely different than the noisy, gazey and washed out counter culture bands we’re used to (and love a bunch as well). Drawing from influences like The Silver Jews, The Rolling Stones and Johnny Cash, Jonny Moon, and the entire band (who all sport the last name Moon, making the entire situation a strangely fitting family affair), brings a gutter punk glam to country music.

Anything that is an acquired taste, any band that has the ability to totally be themselves and swag onto a stage quoting anti folk bands like The Moldy Peaches while singing with chewing tobacco in their cheeks is a-okay with The Deli.

They’re in the midst of recording their new album, which will be completed whenever they see fit. Vollmer will be playing a Deli Magazine Sponsored Event with our friends Spider Heart and The Janunting Martyrs (who will be playing their first show since March) at El Rio on August 20th. Don’t miss it! –je