Bad Magic set to play Strange Matter on 8.8 and bewitch us all

If this is what bad magic is then I don’t even want to know what good magic is because I’m sure I will keep coming back to the beguiling clutch of Bad Magic’s music. The Richmond trio–consisting of Julie Karr, Jimmy Held and Tim Falen–hits a sweet spot between rough and tender, coaxing us listeners with the rugged charm of high strung guitars and then easing us down with languid vocals. Julie bewitches with her vocals, textured with longing and fire, and commandeers each track with a snaking guitar riff that sneaks up on you before exploding. Bad Magic’s music is raw but melodious, packing every inch of each chord and progression with feeling and desire, melting everything around you away. Luckily enough they’re performing at Strange Matter on August 8 so if you’re looking to be enchanted just take a listen below and catch their show on monday! – Adriana S. Ballester