If you told most people that a band could sound like a trippy, post-apocalyptic rendition of The Muppet Show, they’d call you crazy; Aunt Dracula takes that as a challenge. The local Philly project from Scott Daly is a psychedelic, surf rock interpretation of the freakiest nightmare you’ve ever had, positively oozing ambiance and personality. Able to hop so rapidly and seamlessly between genres and musical styles that anyone listening is viable to think they’re having a psychotic episode, Aunt Dracula could very easily be the twisted lovechild of Animal Collective and the Dead Kennedys. They’ll be bringing their unique brand of freak-out rock to Ortlieb’s tonight with Jeff Zeigler, who has been working with Daly in the studio, opening with a solo set as well as lo-fi punk outfit The Carnivores. Ortlieb’s Lounge, 847 N. 3rd St., 8pm, $8, 21+ – Daniel Ludwig