Artist to Watch: Wages

Sometimes, it’s best just to make a change and hope how that things will kick off elsewhere. The duo of Nick Campbell and James DeDakis, known in band form as Wages, were previously living in North Carolina prior to moving to L.A. last year. But before making that trip, they recorded their debut EP Shady Chamber, which features that all-embracing, big-tent indie rock sound that will surely reach the hearts of many who like their songs to be suffused with that life-affirming warmth. Nevertheless, the songs vaguely hint at grandness, and maintain a suble restraint even when they occasionally opt for towering, bittersweet conclusions. Most of Shady Chamber is built around sonic sculptures and chamber pop sensibilities, entwined with arpeggiated, tuneful guitars and layered angular harmonies that usually build into discreet atmospherics. The duo is still currently in transition, assembling all the moving parts that will no doubt help them expand their sound. But considering they haven’t been around for long, these travelers with a plan are settling, and definitely on track to becoming favorites in the local scene.