There’s something sneakily seductive about a driving, mid-tempo tune. Though formulaic by nature, one can’t avoid the pleasures of a classic design, especially when homage transcends with a confident, more modern touch. The simplicity of LA band Army Navy derives from the timeless treasures of sixties pop. The tag at hand is that of indie pop, but their strict melodic patterns prickle with jangly, effusive rhythms that are too irresistible to ignore. Following the strong critical praise of their self-titled debut album, the band soldiers on with a new set of songs that finds them making subtle but necessary changes. Nonetheless, one could hardly tell the difference with first single “The Last Goodbye”, a shambling guitar pop tune that could be found inside a C86 compilation, but distinguishes itself by maintaining a lucid production instead of guising it with a wall of fuzz. The Last Place will be released under their own record label, The Fever Zone, on July 12th. While no tour dates have been announced, expect to see them around the LA area sooner rather than later. It’ll end your day on a lighter note. – Juan Rodriguez