It’s getting close to that time of year again when indie acts hop into their vans, forego a little hygiene, and descend on the crowded Austin streets. Psych-pop outfit The Armchairs will be performing tonight at The Ox (or I guess you can kind of call it their home). It’s a bit of a bon voyage party for the loveable crew as they prepare to hit the road for a 20+ show tour which includes a stop down at SXSW. They’ll be joined by buds Arrah and the Ferns who will be sharing in the madcap adventures so there should be plenty of laughs, smiles, strange conversations, and feel good tunes. Come throw down and wish them well! The Ox, (you should already know or just ask a friend), 8pm, $5, All Ages (The Armchairs’ Photo by Tiffany Yoon) – Alexis V.