02.13: Moaning plays a free show at the reopened Moon Room

If you recall the dust-up at the Atwater Bar last year, you may have written off the space — as well as the Griffin — as a place to catch live music in LA for good. But never fear, because the Moon Room has opened its doors on that site, and shoegaze alt-rockers Moaning will play a free show there on February 13th. The trio have a new album called Uneasy Laughter dropping in March, on which they’ll debut their more synth-friendly sound. While the usual doom-tinged drum & bass and abrasive guitars aren’t going anywhere, Moaning have brought a few new instruments into the mix to add a little texture to their tracks. It’ll make you laugh, it’ll make you dance, and it’ll make you want more. Take a look at the video for the album’s first track "Ego" below, and catch Moaning at the Moon Room on 2/13. – Will Sisskind