Mission of Burma, Boston’s godfathers of post-punk, are coming to Philadelphia tonight at the First Unitarian Church. This is the band that played so loud that they gave themselves tenitis, so expect no less than the absolute threshold of noise that can be conceivably produced by human efforts. Complimenting Burma’s unorthodox, structurally convoluted style are Philly locals Bleeding Rainbow, who (aside from having a band name you wish you’d thought of) are a group capable of going from melancholy to utterly furious at the drop of a hat. They’re a weird, beautiful take on the classical post-punk style. Crooning vocals are accompanied by furious, screeching guitar riffs in a way that probably shouldn’t work as well as it does. The whole event is essentially a giant demonstration that you don’t have to sacrifice melody to go loud. The First Unitarian Church, 2235 Chestnut St., 8pm, $15, All Ages – Daniel Ludwig