After settling down and finding joy in a home and family, married duo Big Harp has released a new single offbeat from their past endeavors. In 2012, Stefanie Drootin-Senseney and Chris Senseney recorded a song and directed a video called “Everybody Pays” for the Showcasing Artists at SXSW. The newest single, “It’s A Shame”, is something much more charismatic and upbeat, a song for the era. Their indie-pop feel brings back guitar strums from the 60’s and 80’s, creating a hard-hitting, melodramatic power-pop single. The quick lead into the chorus amps up your adrenaline, to jump on tables and windmill whatever length hair you have and just let loose. It’s not very often that married couples (with kids) can find energy or time to have dinner together let alone release a full-length album. But later this year, Big Harp will be doing just that; the couple hosted two invite-only release parties held earlier this month to set their new album in motion. Stefanie and Chris Senseney, with help from Fat Possum Records and producer John Congleton, will be furthering the pattern of their unique, contemporary material for the new album later this year. – Kayla Hay