If you look towards the Pacific every evening, the LA skyline is usually painted with a gorgeous golden sunset. It’s easy to miss in the rustle-and-bustle of everyday life, but it’s a pleasure when a singer-songwriter like BETS comes along to vividly remind you of nature’s mysterious gifts. "Rooftop Lover" isn’t a song about contemplating this notion. Far from it – the image it evokes is one that comes naturally when we associate being in places that expand our viewpoint for at least a second. Composed of a weeping ukulele arrangement, the lackadaisical tune calmly strums over a gently pulsing keyboard that details a vast ocean. Her vocals are unerringly sweet, a brittle tonality that’s honey-dripped with frolicsome ennui; the thought of Nina Persson came to mind while entranced in her little dinky story about a girl who wonders about the whereabouts of her object of affection. BETS’ debut EP, just released via iTunes, should make the perfect companion while taking the scenic route through Pacific Coast Highway. And if nothing else, at lease it’ll make you curious to go up your own rooftop for once and let your thoughts run free.