I’m definitely very thankful about the response that The Deli has been receiving here in Philly. You kind of write about things that you like and let it go into the abyss of the internet never really knowing if anyone will ever see it, but it seems people do. One of the things that I think that The Deli is great for, and I’m always surprise when bands have never thought of doing this before is finding other artists who have similar tastes and trading shows. Having done booking in Philly before, it amazed me how disconnected artists and scenes were from each other, even though they consisted of like-minded people. What I hope is that The Deli provides a place for musicians, fans, industry peeps, music lovers, etc. to discover each other and foster a community that deserves to have a voice. Check out The Deli sites in other cities! I’m sure that you’ll find like-minded people doing what you’re doing and wondering how they can find others like themselves outside the confines of their seemingly small city. So reach out to them – share shows, fans, thoughts, jokes, bodily fluids, whatever builds good relations!

Sorry about the pep rally rant, it was inspired by the two featured artists of this write-up. I discovered ‘tine-‘tine a while back clicking through people’s top friends in MySpace (yes, even though you never go into your account, MySpace is still an easy way to check out new music). I instantly knew we shared that same feeling. It’s that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you are about to say something so wrong, but it feels so right. To me, it’s pure comedy (or pure evil ;o). And when I came across Chang Chang (“who’s more of a standup comedian than a standup guy”) performing in the park down the street from my favorite taco place Taco Loco (on 4th and Washington – don’t be afraid of the RV – their tacos are delicious), I knew that they belonged together so I wrote about them in my Artist(s) Who Deserve Your Friendship column. Well, they found each other through the write-up, and are now “besties”. Now, if only they’d collaborate on some material together already. Well, part of my wish has come true because tonight they’ll be sharing the same bill together at JR’s. I’m sure that the Bonnie and Clyde of hip hop hilarity will have the room crackin’ up before the evening is over. JR’s, 2327 S. Croskey St., 9pm, $5, 21+ (Chang Chang Photo by Ryan Scott) – Q.D. Tran