For certain genres of music, the quality of the live show resides largely on the performance of the lead vocalist. Big Ups play some kind of post-hardcore that cannot be easily described – it must be experienced. We live vicariously through the bands we see; they go mad so that we can satisfy our need to go mad. In this respect, Big Ups deliver, and their songs, with their short, Minutemen-like lengths, venture far beyond the typical hardcore shtick. We saw them again at the OhMyRockness CMJ show last week, after booking them at Spike Hill at our 2012 NYC B.E.A.F. fest. The band has perfected their own loud/quiet dynamic, and they take all sorts of wild divergences, even dabbling a bit in funk and psych, with absurd lyrics to add further to the chaos. Check out the preview single ‘Wool’ from their upcoming album "Eighteen Hours of Static" streaming below, or the more aggressive title track here.