We will be highlighting some of the artists playing The Deli KC’s showcase for Middle of the Map Fest next Thursday, April 3 on the Seen Merch Stage at The Riot Room patio. Today’s Artist on Trial is Is Paris Burning.
With a pop sound influenced by post-punk bands like The Smiths, Is Paris Burning brings an upbeat, driving indie rock presence to Kansas City music. We talk with frontman Neal Dyrkcaz to find out more about the band.
The Deli: Down and dirty: 1 sentence to describe your music. What is it?
Dyrkcaz: Do that thing with your guitar again…
The Deli: Give us some background on the band.
Dyrkcaz: Matt [Cole] and I jammed around for a bit a long time ago and were just trying to figure out a sound we both liked. We had some songs, jammed with some drummers, and even tried to record a small demo. Ultimately it fell apart and we let our music fall into the void. Through talking with Corey Vitt of Rooms Without Windows (who are also on our showcase!), he told us that Brian [Jewell] was looking around to jam with a band and told us to hit him up. So somewhere in the middle of 2012 we started jamming, and by the end of the year honed our sound and felt comfortable enough to record a single that we released for free at the beginning of 2013.
The Deli: What would you say your biggest accomplishments been as a band?
Dyrkcaz: Just being able to play and actually enjoying the music we make and getting excited to play our own music is an accomplishment to me. I also feel very humbled by the fact that blogs around the world have picked up our single and posted about it. It doesn’t matter how big or small the blog is—someone not within 1,000 miles of KC is hearing our music. That’s something to me.
The Deli: What do you have coming up?
Dyrkcaz: We are trying to find someone to record us! I am very picky about sounds and how a record sounds, and I am very weary of other people’s ideas of how our music should sound. So it’s a slow process for us.
The Deli: Who are you most looking forward to seeing at Middle of the Map this year?
Dyrkcaz: So many. Gary Numan, Ski Lodge, FanFarlo, William Elliott Whitmore… on and on and on. It’s going to be a grand time.
The Deli: What does supporting local music mean to you?
Dyrkcaz: I came up through the ranks of the Chicago/KC DIY punk/hardcore scene. So a lot of my local music support happens in basements, houses, and DIY venue shows. IPB is a much different sound than hardcore, but I feel my DIY spirit is rooted in its music and ideals. I’ll play anywhere. It would be cool to play a huge venue with our sound, but I feel right at home in a cramped basement that smells of beer, sweat, and piss.
The Deli: Who are your favorite local musicians right now?
Dyrkcaz: I’m way into stoner rock sooooo probably Keef Mountain and Blood Shaman. Matt and Brian are really busy right now so I don’t know what their answers would be, but KC has a very thriving local scene, and gets a lot of support.
The Deli: Who are your favorite not-so-local musicians right now?
Dyrkcaz: Honestly, I’m forced to help out at my girlfriend’s horse barn on my off hours….recently I have been listening exclusively to CCR. YES! Keep on Chooglin…
The Deli: What is your ultimate fantasy concert bill to play on?
Dyrkcaz: Concert bill? It would have to be a fest, too many to name! It would be a huge mashup of sounds.
The Deli: A music-themed Mount Rushmore. What four faces are you putting up there?
Dyrkcaz: Van Morrison, Phil Lynott, Toni Iommi, Freddie Mercury.
The Deli: What other goals does Is Paris Burning have for 2014, and beyond?
Dyrkcaz: Singles, EPs, full-lengths, splits, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
The Deli: Where can we find you on the web?
The Deli: Always go out on a high note. Any last words of wisdom for the Deli audience?
Dyrkcaz: Smoke Acid and Freak the Fuck out. (No one else in the band will probably like this answer.)
Is Paris Burning is:
Neal Dyrkcaz – bass, vocals
Matt Cole – guitar, vocals
Brian K. Jewell – drums

Don’t forget to check out Is Paris Burning at The Deli KC’s showcase at Middle of the Map Fest next Thursday, April 3. They will take the Seen Merch stage on The Riot Room patio at 8:00 p.m.
–Michelle Bacon
Michelle Bacon is editor of The Deli KC and plays bass in The Philistines and Dolls on Fire, and drums in Drew Black & Dirty Electric.