Caught up in swirling layers and textures, Lucky Dragons emerges with a new album next month. A collaboration of two LA based artists, Sarah Rara and Luke Fischbeck, they have been known for visually and physically exciting live shows as well as their own brand of psychedelic pop that follows no discernible trend. The looping repetition in their new single "Existers" off their upcoming LP of the same name, remains constant, but evolving. Layers are added and subtracted and all of a sudden, what seemed the same is completely different. It’s quite a trip at just under 7 minutes, but it feels like an idea completely fleshed out. They have a few shows in LA in the next few months; one on January 27 at the Black Box, one on January 28th at the Mahasukha Meditation Center and then on March 10 at the Smell. If you’re looking for some good vibes, they’ve got plenty to spare. – Taylor Lampela