The spacious, guitar-driven songs of Clues and Codes unfold with a delicate pace, pronounced with a tone that sounds detached from its surroundings. The duo of Alex Aleco and Natalie White conjure a primal response with each terse chord strum, providing somewhat fractured rhythms that fluctuate between plucked guitars and primal percussive beats. But even if they’re penned with a minimalist mindset, they’re never kept within bounds – Aleco’s striking vocals are full of emotional heft, made all the more ghostly as they’re set forth against their sparse arrangements. The mood is especially affecting when they implement mandolin to the proceedings, which actually provides some of their bounciest, sweetest moments. Their debut EP K I N is simple yet full of complexity, brushed with a dark hue that allows for silent reflection. You’ll be able to see the duo live at El Cid this next Saturday, October 5th, followed by an appearance at The Smell in November. – Juan Rodríguez