Sonic sounds with vivacious vocals would be one way to describe Aranya’s double EP, Friction and Refraction. Friction is like a four track volcano of different emotions spewing forth into the blue sky. “The Brand” caught my ear in particular for the variety of genres and sounds Aranya somehow weaves together seamlessly. What really completes the picture, the cherry on top so to speak, are the vocals: powerful, epic and haunting. If Grace Slick and Ronnie James Dio had a child that became a singer, that might come close. “Volcano” is a powerful track featuring raw instrumentals and punctuated vocals. The talent in Arayna can be seen by the sheer musical variety in the song. Refraction is the companion EP to Friction and is equally cool in a different way. Refraction features some calm melodic sounds in songs like “Ivo’vii” and “Invisible Hands”. “Sisyphus” starts out as a slower number with heavy and intense drums, bass and guitar. Kind of makes you feel like a viking trudging through a swamp. If Friction is the angry, sexually charged EP, Refraction is definitely the smooth cool release. I think one of my favorite aspects of Aranya is that their music is highly original. It’s wonderful to hear artists doing what they love, how they love doing it. Aranya will be releasing both Friction and Refraction this Saturday, October 5th at The Know. – Cory Huennekens