NY’s American Pinup formed in 2010 out of Westchester County and combine elements from punk rock and power pop, blending catchy pop hooks and melodies with the spirit and energy of the punk ethos. The track “Living the Dream” off The Radio EP is a swift punk song characterized by its infectious drumming and West’s snotty vocals reminiscent of Gwen Stefani. “Start” highlights West’s contrasting vocal styles as she bounces back and forth between her smooth, crooning vocals and a raspy yell. The singer channels Brody Dalle of The Distillers with a little more bite to her vocals, while still remaining catchy enough to be good for radio play. American Pinup will be playing Court Tavern in New Brunswick, NJ on June 9th, and then The Bowery Electric on June 20th. Stream their track "Radio" below! – John Honan