Boston’s Amanda Palmer released There Will Be No Intermission back in March, of the twenty tracks on the record “Drowning in the Sound” always stood above them all. The sharp orchestral changes led by disjointed piano strains provide the canvas for Palmer to paint inconvenient portraits of society with her lyrics. Amanda tackles tough subjects like abortion, climate change, and today’s political whirlwind of division with both sophistication and a much-needed crudeness. The music video for the single is a dance movement spectacle of the turmoil within. Beautifully orchestrated by Coco Karol and directed by Michael Pope, the “Drowning in the Sound” music video is an elegant portrayal of inner turbulence in the face of difficult and personal decisions. The video begs to be viewed and felt with the same intensity it was created; it is art the way art should always be: provocative. We are streaming the music video for “Drowning in the Sound” below. – Rene Cobar