If you’re new to the Kansas City music scene, you need to know who The Electric Lungs are. This punk/synth rock band has been kicking it and rocking out since 2012, and still going strong. Following their 2013 full-length Simplified and Civilized, they are releasing their second full-length album Don’t Be Ashamed of the Way You Were Made. This album is basically the soundtrack of an awesome B-movie greaser film. The band incorporated rockabilly-influenced tunes that are infused with gritty distortion guitar chords and catchy piano melodies.
No two songs are alike. “Play it When You Need It” has a lot of attitude and angst, and this is reinforced by dirty punk chords with the innocence of a clean upright piano. This is a song that my teenage self can relate to while the band releases their frustration through the song. Then you have “Time, Whiskey and the Lord,” a positive, hopeful song about moving on that can be backed up by a New Orleans marching band. This features a breakdown bass solo that is unreal (respect!).
One of my favorite tracks, “Surgical Malfunction,” has been on repeat on my iPhone for a couple of days. The song starts up with a harsh strumming of a banjo that is later backed up by an organ that makes this song eerie and dark. After lead singer Tripp Kirby sings “I am the shadow that covers the sun,” there is silence for 3 seconds then the yelling of “I DON’T KNOW WHY!!!”, showing frustration of the character in the song. It is followed by a ‘30s ragtime piano solo then progressed later on in the song with an incredible rock organ solo that’s followed by an incredible drum solo breakdown. This hair-raising sinister song shows a lot of personality in 5 minutes that makes you crave more.
Compared to the last album, this one does not hold back. This album shows The Lungs’ true nature on how they play live on stage. This band is not afraid to be different with their unique repertoire of songs. Every track on this album is enjoyable, none of which you would want to skip.
—Mica Elgin-Vi

The Electric Lungs are throwing a CD release party tomorrow night in support of Don’t Be Ashamed You Were Made. Check them out at Davey’s Uptown Rambler’s Club with Haunted Creepys, Kodascope, and Bone Spur. Facebook event page.