Formed in spring of 2012, Grandhorse gallops in with Portraiturefolio, their fierce debut effort. According to the band’s bio, it all started with guitarist Adam Steinfink and drummer Devon Shirley writing songs in a "dank basement". Despite the dank origins, the two (along with guitarist David Lloyd and singer Adam Smith) have produced a cloud-worthy canon of celestial pop, bound for ascension. The opening track, "Short Ride With A Kidnapper" butts dark lyrics against deceivingly pleasant pop. "Out of Sight" is smothered in gloomy webs of guitar and "Ocean" gives us a simple, surf-laden 3/4 piece with a catchy 50’s feel. "Heart Strings", my personal favorite, features an infectious guitar melody layered over a stable bass and synth drone. In all these tracks, Grandhorse has a keen way of adding in a layer of Tame Impala-esque fuzz. Portaiturefolio also shines in its lyrical complexity. In "Qualia", what appears at first to be a raucous party jam progresses into a poignant, philosophical commentary on substance use, perception and ultimate subjectivity. Another stand-out, the epic closer,"Petrichor", sets an enigmatic schizophrenic dialogue to a dense and driving backdrone, culminating in a wonderfully cathartic 4 minute jam of pure sonic release. Definitely worth a listen, Portaiturefolio depicts a band sure to be on to bigger things. – Ted Jamison