Adventure Galley is coming to you with a brand new LP, Anywhere That’s Wild, and it is well worth the wait. It is primarily based with synthesized riffs backed by solid drum rhythms that won’t leave any doubt about their ability to rock. Similarly to the likes of Franz Ferdinand and Bloc Party they flirt in and out of the boundaries of pop and indie rock through demanding vocals and danceable beat patterns but bring you back to ground with engaging progression and raw execution. Anywhere That’s Wild is the band’s first LP and is being released off of the Portland label (and arts collective) Internet Piracy Records. This album is one of the most complete to come out of this city in 2013. There is a clear amount of effort to make such a clear sound come across on record and the production value is on par with any major label you will find in a similar category. It’s not easy to cross the synthpop/rock lines that Adventure Galley has done, but this album shows that they belonged on the same stage as Of Montreal earlier this month. The album release party is tonight at Holocene with Minden, Exotic Club, and Lassi. – Colin Hudson