The song "Fernseher" from Bed-Stuy-based quartet Adiós Ghost‘s EP is contradictory in an intriguing way. Sunny surf/tropical-infused rock is the backbone for some seriously melancholy themes. The lyrics are similarly gloomy: "The sun is always setting and I don’t know why /To think that I could chase it, just give it a try/You know you can’t erase it just by telling lies.” Take this duality and add in its striking new video (created by Brooklyn filmmaker Nathan Punwar), and the song becomes that much more layered. Armed with a floor lamp, a girl peers into what seems to be an earlier time, literally Illuminating the past. What exactly she’s looking for in this hazy realm is a mystery, but the effect is ghostly and isolating — she’s watching this all unfold from the other side, through a lens of sorts. And that’s appropriate given the song’s name — "Fernseher" means TV or television viewer in German. The solitary observer can’t seem to crack the code, but it’s beautiful to watch her try. See Adiós Ghost live at Littlefield on 04.10. – Corinne Bagish