The Morning Sea, a softly moving, seductive chamber-pop folk collective rotating about singer songwriter Adam Cohen, is poised to travel the world from their bathtub. Looking like a mermaid (minus the coconut bra) lost in the middle of a his tub on the cover of new record ‘Strange Captive,’ Cohen is one-half confessional late night crooner (‘Mellow Rage’), and one-half whimsical wanderer, as in the brawling rock of ‘Bit My Tongue.’ The music tells slowly developing stories, of lands traveled, and seas swam, no matter how difficult the journey. Especially on the fun abandon of title track ‘Strange Captive,’ where Adam hopefully sings ‘there is still time to face the light.’ And there’s still time to see The Morning Sea when the band releases their 7-track ‘Strange Captive’ at Pianos on Thu, May 15th. See them then and check out ‘Strange Captive’ below. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)