It definitely took me a couple listens to dig behind the mess of emotions and feelings that come up within Charly Bliss‘ music. Eva Hendricks’ high-pitched vocals might come across as a little shrill at first, but don’t take long to become part of a glorious over-arcing energy of punk-ridden overdrive. But behind that there’s definitely a lot more going on. Take the song "Urge to Purge" from the brand new EP ‘Soft Serve,’ where Hendricks shrieks: "Everyday’s the same/When you get home from work I try and keep you entertained/And you know we’re both so far from sane/Picking fights to let you know I’m glad you came." The song is one big "fuck you" to the mundane, the domestic, and the monotony that consumes our lives from time to time. Although the desire for more excitement is ever present in their music, which we see through blasts of overdrive and momentous climaxes, Charly Bliss’ is not a band with negative energy, in fact we’re feeling posy-vibes all around. See Charly Bliss live at Glasslands on August 16. – Jake Saunders