From The Deli Submissions: Greasy Hearts play Silent Barn tonight (07.24)

"Lost Dog", the single off the upcoming EP by a band called Greasy Hearts is a seriously good jam.  It’s got everything you need in a good garage-punk song: Fuzzy, howling vocals, a foot-stomping rhythm, and enough distortion to stick your cat’s fur straight up.  We always breath a sigh of relief when I come across a band who seemingly is doing the garage-rock shtick right; it’s not easy to work within a genre where basically every possible riff and rhythm has been used before.  Nevertheless, Greasy Hearts pulls it off with "Lost Dog", and now you’ll have to check them out live to get the full picture.  They’re playing The Silent Barn TONIGHT (7/24), and The Rock Shop in October.  Stream "Lost Dog" below.  – Jake Saunders

This band submitted their music for coverage here.