Northern Spy Records has a consistently solid lineup of bands that seek to push sonic boundaries. Bands like Zs, Aa(Big A little a), and PC Worship focus on improvisation as a mode of expression, and with the use of the insane musical technology that exists today, the sounds that these bands are utilizing brings fusion music into a whole new dimension. One such band is NYMPH and their trance inducing music. The group expands upon long and drawn out jams which ultimately develop into complete worlds of their own. The instrumentation is always alternating, and although the sound never fails to evolve between each song, a signature mood can be found in each track off their most recent album, New Millenium Prayer. Jazz, drone rock and eastern music are very much a part of their sound, as themes and motifs are used as catalysts for each song, churning the sonic waters until a musical consensus is gathered, whether it be in consonant fruition or dissonant chaos. NYMPH will be playing along with The Ghost of a Saber Tooth Tiger at the Mccarren Park Summerscreen series tomorrow (7/30). – Jake Saunders