Before you get all hot and bothered for not knowing who Book Swap is and, oh god they must be awesome because they’re playing with Meth Dad, RIcHIE and Kelly Ruth, chill. In this case a cigar is totally a cigar and a book swap is simply an opportunity to pick up some new literature and unload that copy of "Ulysses" that impressed nobody, while offering the added bonus of listening to said awesome bands. The lineup will satisfy a range of tastes, whether it’s for quirky folk pop, booty-shakin’ grooves or straight party rock. The show gets going at 8pm, and cover is $6, but drops to $5 with the presence of a book to trade. And why a book swap in the first place? As organizer and contributer to creative collective 2 Jung 2 Dye Jeremy McAnulty summed it up: "We just liked the idea of people coming together to enjoy music and art, but bringing something personal of theirs to exchange with each other. It’s a fun way for people to interact at a show."
And, since we touched on the topic of booty-shaking groove, check out this video of Meth Dad laying it down for earlier this year. -Terra James-Jura