Kelsey Wild

It’s hard to believe that Kelsey Wild is just 19, and just starting out her career as a musician. Yet, it is true, and there is this unmistakable maturity and depth in her voice that tells you she belongs. It also tells you where she’s been, that she’s been in love, and that she’ll be a star. What first caught my eye with Kelsey Wild was a video that the talent JM Harper did for her a few months ago for the song “Drunken Sailor”. Not only is the video incredible, but Kelsey’s song is captivating even without the great images and effects. She has been releasing songs through her blog all summer, and is currently a freshman at Northwestern. Earlier this month she played both Schubas and SPACE, and will be making her big national debut at SXSW in March 2010. I hope every one is ready for an amazing young talent.