Cheers Elephant Havin’ Fun at North Star Bar Jan. 14


Cheers Elephant provide a menagerie of psychedelic folk sounds filtered through rock drains and poured into the bodies of four talented young artists. Recognizable by their Brit-pop sound, Cheers Elephant has been making the rounds at all the local hot spots and churning up compliments all along the way. Their live sets channel a raucous party where bass lines carry your body through each song into the next without ever missing a beat as you travel through time, across genres and far and away from where you began. When you consider that they have been compared to The Kinks and Jefferson Airplane it is no wonder that Cheers Elephant is causing such a stir in our happy little town. If you love a good melody, a crazy jam session and are ready to watch four musicians have more fun on stage than you thought humanly possible, then Cheers Elephant is just the ticket. Don’t be fooled when you check out their tracks on the band’s MySpace page. They are not as sweet and innocent as they appear; a Cheers Elephant live show is full of rock show chaos. They’ll be joined by Sweden’s Movits! and NJ’s River City Extension, a band that we wish would move to Philly already so we can write more about them. North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St., 9pm, $10, 21+ McCafferty