The Deli’s Featured Artist(s) of the Month: Attia Taylor

We had a chance to catch up with our recent featured artist and poll winner, the adorable Attia Taylor. She’s a girl who’s not afraid “to show you how to love”. You can fall in love with her tonight at The Fire, and here is some background info about her to give you the right words to say.
The Deli: When and how did you start recording and performing out?
Attia Taylor: My band Oak Oak Okay formed during Girls Rock Philly, and after camp ended in August 2007, we had our first official show at Johnny Brenda’s for a GRP benefit. I’ll never forget it. I started recording in early 2009 with no clue as to what I was doing. My band was on a break, and I just knew that I had a Mac and a condenser mic. I made 8 songs in 8 days as a project. “Flash Photography Class” was one of them. After I finished that, I kept going and I had no idea it would go this far.
TD: What are your biggest musical influences?
AT: I’d say Badly Drawn Boy, PJ Harvey, Marvin Gaye, Imogen Heap, Grizzly Bear, Stereolab, and Belle & Sebastian.
TD: What artists (local, national and/or international) are you currently listening to?
AT: I just started listening to Reading Rainbow, so good! I’m also listening to Oh! Pears, St. Vincent, Stereo Total, Cibo Matto (always), Hot Chip, The Bird and The Bee, Joanna Newsom, Dan Deacon, Au Revoir Simone, gosh just so many.
TD: What’s the first concert that you ever attended and first album that you ever bought?
AT: The first concert was Beyonce when I was 12. It was spectacular. She’s so amazing almost to the point of robot!! I think the first album was The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill which I still listen to from time to time. They have both shaped me musically in some sense.
TD: What do you love about Philly?
AT: I love the size. You always run into someone who knows someone you know! It’s great. Philly seems so intimate and yet still has so much culture!
TD: What do you hate about Philly?
AT: Those Tastykakes with just the jelly. Super weird.
TD: What are your plans for 2010?
AT: Well, I’m currently working on a new EP called Short Stories & Small Glories, which is much different from Dear Universe, but acts as a great follow-up. Each song holds a little gem from my life thus far. It’s almost like opening a book of short stories, and I’ll just say you will dance and cry at the same time! It should hopefully be done by early June.
TD: What was your most memorable live show?
AT: Gosh, they were all so special. I think the most memorable live show was the one I played just recently with Gemini Wolf and Lillie Ruth Bussey for Sugar Town. I really admire their music so I was psyched to share a stage and so many people came out to show support!  It was just an enchanting night!
TD: What’s your favorite thing to get at the deli?
AT: I have an unhealthy obsession with Italian Hoagies. It scares me sometimes. 
The Deli Staff