I literally despise the genre categorization "Adult Alternative" or "Adult Contemporary" used by many radios and music sites to describe artists I love like R.E.M. or Kristin Hersch – isn’t that the least exciting thing you can say about music, that it’s for adults? Besides, when I say "Adult Contemporary" I can only think about ONE artist: The Dave Matthew’s Band. It should be a one band genre, in some kind of borderline insulting way.
This being said, we can all agree that orchestral pop is one of the most sophisticated genres in the pop and rock realms, and adults are supposed to be sophisticated (at least here in NYC). But, as demonstrated by Girls in Trouble (not "Women in Trouble" by the way!), this kind of music can be playful and awaken the child in you. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure a lot of kids in their pre-teens might enjoy this band, which plays some of the most ineresting and inventive orchestral pop in NYC. I’d recommend they tried to organize shows with One Ring Zero, Clare & The Reason and/or Elk City. If you are into this genre, don’t miss their CD release party at Joe’s Pub on May 19.