With all the torrential rain lately in Philly and now an earthquake on top of all the other natural disasters going on as well as stuff like hundreds of birds dropping dead all at once out of the sky, you’d think talks about the end of the world in 2012 aren’t that silly anymore. I know. You didn’t think the earthquake was really that bad. I didn’t either. But it still gives us another reason to throw down a little harder tonight at Philadelphia Weekly’s Concerts in The Piazza (which is also doubling as “The Philly F/M Fest Preview Night”). And it’s also a good opening line for all the single peeps and those in “open relationships.” Well, the flamboyant characters in Nicos Gun are definitely not afraid to bring some sexual energy to the dance party. You’ll also have the hook-ladened, rollicking Brit-pop/psych rock of Cheers Elephant to sing away any aftershock blues. And though Hezekiah Jones’ latest album Have You Seen Our New Fort? is certainly more upbeat than his past works. Raph Cutrufello’s rich, earnest vocals can provide plenty of folk music for the end of the world to lament with someone that you find attractive. Will any of these bands throw together earth-shaking covers in honor of yesterday’s momentous occasion? You’ll just have to grab a drink and come hear for yourself. It’s FREE, and the weather is predicted to be fine so carpe diem, folks! The Piazza at Schmidts, 2nd St. and Germantown Ave., 6pm – 9pm, FREE, All Ages – H.M. Kauffman