Some bands are able to unlock my composed, western to the bone, over-structured civility and speak directly to whatever primal receptor is left inside me. Apparently some people don’t experience this, and they don’t know what they are missing. Actually, I do know what they are missing: They are missing ROCK’N’ROLL!
Hunters are a very new Brooklyn bass-less noise-rock duo with a wild, exciting sound comprised of menacing, often atonal guitars, clangy and explosive drums, and vocals that (seem to) unapologetically speak of our basic repressed needs and wishes. Like in the opening track from the new upcoming EP "Hands on Fire" – check out these lyrics: "I want it! – I need it! – I want it! – I need it! – I want it! – I need it! – I want it! – I need it!". Now, these are words we all wish we could say more often, aren’t they? This is orgiastic rock – we are sure that the Greek God Dionysus will be at Death By Audio on December 2 for the CD release org… ahem… party.