The Philadelphia Independent Craft Market at 2424 Studios Dec. 17

As the holidays come upon us, it’s time once again to get ready for another fun-filled shopping experience as The Philadelphia Independent Craft Market hits 2424 Studios today. While you enjoy PBR Sponsored refreshments, 45 vendors will be selling plenty of artworks, vintage items, and handmade treasures. But it will also be a day of good music courtesy of four local favorites. Longtime friends and Philly Folk Parade members Hezekiah Jones and The Spinning Leaves will be breaking out their entertaining side project Hezekiah Leaves & the Spinning Joneses. Sisters3 will be harmonizing tunes from their latest album Coruscate at the Meadow Gate. Add in the whimsical Americana of The Great Unknown and the booze and blues-tinged rockabilly of Levee Drivers, and you have a reason to start the party a little early today. 2424 Studios, 2424 E. York St., 12pm – 7pm, $2, All Ages – Bill McThrill