A special evening of handpicked music and media by YVYNYL will be taking over the late shift at KFN tonight after multifaceted entertainer and former local area gal Eve makes an extremely rare appearance for a free early show sponsored by Converse Classics. The well-respected Philly-based music blog will play host to daydream-y Los Angeles indie popsters Warm Weather. And they’ll be joined by two of Philly’s most quirky acts. What started out as Brendan Mulvihill (a.k.a. Keith Birthday) strumming on an old mandolin in Tomsk, Russia has escalated into a supercharged weird folk duo that finds him teaming up with Dr. Dog drummer Eric Slick (a.k.a. Dr. Awkward) with some occasional help from buddies like Dominic Angelella and Andy Molholt. But as Norwegian Arms gradually start to reveal snippets from their upcoming new album, they have also been unveiling some new keyboard-layered depth to their mystical melodies. And tonight’s show may be just in time for the new jam that they’ve talked about unveiling this week on their Facebook. From exuberant gang vocals and sudden dance moves to amped up keyboard riffs and trumpet calls, Ecce Shnak is a unique tour de force that needs to be experience live. So when they take the stage they should prove to be a welcomed opener. Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St., 8pm, $8, 21+ – Bill McThrill