Philly four-piece The Sea Around Us is somewhat of an enigma when it comes to putting them in a genre. You could say they are reminiscent of the Beach Boys at times (most notably in “Walls”), and at other times, they start to sound Grizzly Bear-esque. Their name comes from a book written in the ‘50s by conservationist Rachel Carson. The band says that “the book includes deeply moving descriptions of astounding natural phenomena expressed in great poetic detail. We intend to live up to Carson’s enlightening ideal by presenting a sonic landscape that is challenging yet accessible. The Sea Around Us are more like their own island where many genres pass by and land on their shores for a bit. They recently launched a Kickstarter campaign last week to fund their first full-length album (which you can donate to HERE). They’ll be opening up for Porcelain Raft along with The Homophones tonight at Kung Fu Necktie. You’ll want to get there early for this one. Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St., 8pm, $12, 21+ – Maura Filoromo