Probably because they only recently relocated to NYC (they originally hail from Florida), we somehow missed BLONDS‘ rise to semi-notoriety. The duo, comprised of dating, non-blonde couple Cari Rae and Jordy Asher, is partial to slow tempos and intense, almost Lynchian dreamy atmoshperes. A rather sexy video of the Portishead-ish single "206" raised their profile in the past winter, and to take things to the next level the band is now releasing this single "RUN" from the upcoming full length album "The Bad Ones". We can’t help but notice spaghetti Western references both in the record’s title and in the single, which sounds very much like a revisitation of Morricone’s dramatic approach to Country’n’Western music. This band seems to have a rather big music vocabulary at their disposal, and this is a very good sign – looking forward to the summer release.